Topic: WorldNetDaily
The Trump-deifiers at WorldNetDaily have struck again. Jesse Lee Peterson writes in an April 16 column headlined "Trump's magic is not from human power":
Most people do not understand the magic working through President Donald Trump.
He controls and confounds the media (“the opposition party”) – and they don’t know they’re being controlled! They endlessly attack him and insinuate suspicions of collusion with “Russia.” Trump tweeted that Obama “wire tapped” Trump Tower, and for weeks they shouted, “There’s no proof!” But as proof comes out, they remain in denial.[...]
As Christians, we are supposed to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We are to be “cunning as serpents and innocent as doves.” President Trump appears to be a living example of this.
Jesus Christ came and died so that we might return to the Father. As Christians, we are to overcome the world, not be overcome by the world. Trump seems to be overcoming the world – overcoming evil with good. Too many Christians today are lost in intellectualism and emotionalism, pontificating, complaining and fighting in the wrong way as their character and families slide into hell. Yet the mind of God is spiritual and present, with no fear, doubt or confusion. It produces strong action.
Peterson still has a raging case of Obama Derangement Syndrome, however, and he takes even more potshotshere, calling President Obama a "girly man" who is among the "children of Satan" and repeated the false right-wing claim that he went on an "apology tour" while president.
He also laughably claimed that unlike "how nasty Obama acted when challenged," "you don’t see that spirit with Trump when things don’t go his way" and that Trump "maintains a good attitude." Has Peterson never heard Trump speak or read his Twitter account?