Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily is usually way too busy making messianic references about Donald Trump to note that others may feel differently.
So it was a bit of a surprise to see an anonymously written Feb. 21 WND article about a Florida pastor, Joel Tooley, who felt "demonic" activity that was "palpable" at a Trump rally he and his young dauther atteneded the previous weekend.
But unlike with the pro-Trump pastors and others who see divine intent in Trump's election and actions that WND has published, Tooley's claims were not allowed to stand unchallenged. The anonymous WND writer made sure to note that "Tooley is also an immigration activist" who has worked with "one of the nine agencies that get paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the United States."
WND also published attacks on Tooley's account that, among other things, call it "BS to the core. Phony and made up" and that Tooley "needs to understand" that the Trump rally was, in fact, a "'deeply religious' experience." WND does not provide the source for thse attacks beyond claiming that they were "comments posted online."
But from where? The Facebook post by Tooley on which WND based its article contains no such comments in the 64 attached to it. We also conducted a quick Google search and could not find the comments independent of reposted versions of the WND article.
Are these comments from some super-secret website WND has access to but nobody else does? Or did WND make up these comments as a way to attack Tooley for committing the offense of being critical of Trump?
We've contacted WND for an answer as to the comments' original source; we'll update if they respond.