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Friday, November 18, 2016
WND Reprints False Story About 'Paid Protesters'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A Nov. 14 WorldNetDaily article copies-and-pastes an item from the right-wing site ZeroHedge claiming proof of "professional agitators" leading anti-Trump protests in the form of "a video of 5 city blocks on the West side of Chicago lined with busses from Wisconsin (Badger Bus Lines) bringing in protestors."

Just one problem: The article is bogus. The Washington Post explains:

A story at the pro-Trump site ZeroHedge that was picked up by the Drudge Report shows a video recording a line of buses in Chicago, suggesting that the buses were used to bring people in from Wisconsin to protest Trump.

Think about that. Trump won Wisconsin. Someone needed to bus people in from Milwaukee (population: 600,000) to protest in Chicago (population: 2.7 million)? There's no evidence offered that the line of buses has anything to do with the protests, mind you. And a quick glance at Google Street View, captured in October, reveals that there's always a line of buses in that same place.

So the article is a lie, but there it sits at WND presented as fact.

Keep that in mind the next time WND complains about not being treated as a credible news site.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:11 AM EST

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