Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily runs a continual feature on its front page called "You Read It Here First," which purports to identify things WND has published before other selected news outlets. But it goes the other way too.
On Sept. 2, the Washington Post published an article headlined "12 things I learned from the FBI report on Hillary Clinton’s private email server":
Moore duplicated only two items from the Post's article of rthings he supposedly "learned": that Hillary used 13 mobile devices during her tenure as secretary of state, and that she received emails from Sidney Blumenthal (whose name Moore misspells). Moore apparently spent the rest of the five days between the Post article and his own trying to find the things that made Hillary look as bad as possible, i.e., "She suffered a blood clot that, by her own estimation, hindered her mental capacity."
So not only is WND highly biased to the point nobody believes what it reports, it's not even terribly original in its bias. No wonder WND is in deep finanical trouble.