Topic: WorldNetDaily
Look at Hillary.
She is seen as dishonest. She is not likable. She has no accomplishments – in or out of politics – to cite. She’s not even scoring high among women.
The Trump versus Hillary matchup will be a very tough campaign. Who do you think is better positioned to slug it out? Has Hillary demonstrated an ability to win a national campaign? In 2008, she had everything going for her. The entire Democratic establishment was behind her then, too. But she couldn’t beat a new face with bigger promises. This year, she has struggled against Bernie Sanders, heretofore seen as a fringe old face.
-- Joseph Farah, March 27 WorldNetDaily column
With her eyes bulging wildly, grotesque contorted facial expressions, and a cackle Margaret Hamilton (the Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz”) would envy, Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump, saying that being president “shouldn’t be about delivering insults but about delivering results.”
Delivering results juxtaposed to delivering insults is something in which Hillary is well versed.
-- Mychal Massie, March 28 WND column
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is on her way to the Democratic presidential nomination, and no one has laid a glove on her yet. The Republicans are too busy fighting each other – all of them, establishment and non-establishment alike.
This is not good.
Tell me one policy difference between Lucifer and Hillary Clinton.
-- Joseph Farah, May 6 WND column
I’ve known women who have been drunks, drug addicts, liars and worse. I’ve known a woman who was herself a complete train wreck and intentionally turned her child into the same so she could have company. I’ve known women who have thought themselves to be clever when in fact their cleverness was consistent with an empty soup can. I’ve ministered to women who were in prison for murder.
But I’ve never known a woman as treacherous, calculating and outright evil as Hillary Clinton.
-- Mychal Massie, May 16 WND column
At this point, Democrats had better hope the FBI does its job of purging Hillary Clinton before it’s too late, because the party bosses haven’t yet shown the courage. She should not be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office again.
-- David Limbaugh, May 26 WND column
The Hillary campaign and its labyrinthian tentacles must be really concerned about me.
Why do I say that?
Because its surrogates in the media – namely the George Soros-backed Media Matters, the Daily Beast and the chattering class that follows such outlets – are busy weaving conspiracy theories about me and Donald Trump while labeling me as … a conspiracy theorist.
You know how that Saul Alinsky tactic works – accuse others of what you do.
-- Joseph Farah, May 26 WND column