Topic: NewsBusters
Such fortuitous timing! The same day we posted our profile of NewsBusters' Dylan Gwinn and his record of homophobia and inaccuracy, he comes through again.
For some reason, the lower-tier sports guy is reviewing TV shows for the Media Research Center, and he's extremely put out that "The Fosters," a show on Freeform (the cable channel formerly known as ABC Family, which probably has lower ratings than Fox News, a channel the MRC doesn't think needs to be monitored) talked about the gays, and the idea that one can't choose to be gay:
Yeah, and she’s lying now. Specifically, about the concept of free will. Free will would be completely unnecessary if it meant people could only choose what they biologically are. Because there is no choice in that. Your biology is pre-determined. Which of course, is precisely the point she’s trying to make: that gay people can’t use free will to change because it’s not a choice.
However, straight and gay people do make the choice to change all the time.
People like Cynthia Nixon from Sex and the City, who actually had a husband and a family before deciding to become a lesbian. Not only did Nixon decide to change her sexuality. But she even went so far as to say it was her choice to become a lesbian. Not something she was pre-determined to do.
Was her gay gene just “dormant” for the first few decades of her life? No, she used her free will because her biology was not pre-determined by anything called a gay gene. A reality that’s pretty horrifying to the activists behind shows like The Fosters. Which is why Nixon was heavily criticized by those in her own community for telling the truth.Which of course is why scenes like this and shows like The Fosters exist. To make sure the inconvenient truths about the agenda the LGBT community is pushing remain conveniently hidden.
Gwinn conveniently omits the fact that in the ABC News article to which he links to support his assertion about Nixon's alleged "choice" to be lesbian, it quotes gay blogger Jon Aravosis explain that if you can freely choose the sex of your sexual partner, you're not gay (or straight):
If you like both flavors, men and women, you're bisexual, you're not gay, so please don't tell people that you are gay, and that gay people can "choose" their sexual orientation, i.e., will it out of nowhere. Because they can't," he wrote. "Every religious right hatemonger is now going to quote this woman every single time they want to deny us our civil rights."
And by golly, Gwinn proves Aravosis' final sentence correct. He does hate gays with the passion of a religious-right hatemonger, even cheering that openly gay football player Michael Sam didn't catch on in the pros.
Gwinn also whines that "The Fosters," by noting such things, is engaging in "LGBT activism and indoctrination" -- a rather rich accusation from someone working for an organziation dedicated to anti-LGBT activism and indoctrination.