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Saturday, March 5, 2016
Hillary Derangement Syndrome, Supersize WND Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

She was in the fourth grade, and it was her first book report. The book she had chosen was about butterflies. Even though her report was very short, the teacher gave her an “A.”

She simply wrote, “I have always wanted to know a lot about butterflies. But not this much.”

I feel that way about Hillary Clinton’s legal problems.

-- Barry Farber, Jan. 12 WorldNetDaily column

Outside of the fact that a good portion of Americans believe that the Clintons operate outside and above American laws, they, along with other criminal players, have gotten America’s eyes off of Oregon. They have been found to be taking massive payoffs, while promising the Hammond ranch and other “publicly owned lands” to Russians with one-fifth of our uranium ore. This is one detail the state-controlled narrative steers clear of concerning what is taking place in Oregon.


We know that the only ones who show up to her speeches are the state-controlled media in an attempt to make her campaign look legitimate. Remember, America, this is nothing more than a Saul Alinsky tactic: Cause the enemy to believe that that there are more of you than there really are.

-- Bradlee Dean, Feb. 4 WND column

My, what a long way Mrs. Clinton has come from her altruistic college days and her Watergate investigative committee attack job as a new lawyer. Her law partner from Arkansas, Vince Foster of the Rose Law Firm, may have been able to provide some insight into what actually turned her to the dark side, but someone put a bullet into the deputy White House counsel’s brain one evening in Ft. Marcy Park. Who knows? It may even have been him.

-- Craige McMillan, Feb. 5 WND column

No one except hubby Bill Clinton knows more about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s criminal past and present than the author of this column. Perhaps its time for the Wicked Witch of the Left’s would-be Republican presidential opponents, and even Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, to take a walk down memory lane – that is if they wish to defeat her this year.

-- Larry Klayman, Feb. 5 WND column

Hillary Clinton is white. The pastors who declared her to be the next president of the United States, surrounded by the favor of the Lord, were black.

Hillary Clinton is a woman. Most of the pastors were men.

So, this is not a color issue, and this is not a gender issue.

This is a righteousness issue, and it is shameful for ministers of the gospel to bless a candidate who stands for a woman’s “right” to shed innocent blood in the womb (through all nine months of pregnancy), who aggressively supports the redefinition of marriage and who calls for the changing of cherished religious beliefs.

Shame on those who partook in this ceremony.

-- Michael Brown, Feb. 10 WND column

Mrs. Clinton must not be allowed to lay her hands on sacred pulpits while her fingers drip with the blood of unborn babies. Black Christians with large voting blocks in the North and the South must no longer do the bidding of a Democratic Party that opposes so much of what the Bible which they hold so dear teaches. If there is a firewall for Hillary, it is the fire of hell and believers must not jump into it with her.

E.W. Jackson, Feb. 21 WND column

We can pretty well mobilize consensus behind Hillary’s loss of Iowa. I believe she really lost Nevada, too. When I was a boy anybody who stole or participated in the theft of votes would have been universally denounced as a scoundrel. Today he’d be hailed as a hero and would brag about his cleverness.

-- Barry Farber, Feb. 23 WND column

Why aren't these representatives (effeminate thugs) calling for the indictment of Bill and Hillary Clinton? It is not like they have to speculate about the list of crimes committed against the American people when it comes to the Clintons.

Just recently it was found that the Clintons are selling uranium ore to the Russians from underneath the ranchers in Oregon.

Why are they not bringing this to light (Ephesians 5:11)?

What of the Travelgate scandal? Whitewater scandal? Filegate scandal? Lootergate scandal? Drug Dealer Donor scandal? Ponzi scheme and political favor scandal? Benghazi? The email scandal? Mena, Arkansas, drug trafficking scandal? What of the dead bodies strewn across the path of the Clintons (147)? And the list goes on and on concerning who Hillary is and what she is truly about.

-- Bradlee Dean, March 3 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:27 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, March 6, 2016 10:48 PM EST

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