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Thursday, January 28, 2016
WND Ridiculously Portrays NYC Blizzard Travel Ban As 'Martial Law'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily tried to make things sound as scary as possible in a Jan. 24 article:

It’s the nagging fear many have about our government: what would happen if martial law was declared? New York City just found out, at least temporarily.

Eleven states as well as Washington D.C. declared states of emergency in the wake of the massive record-breaking snowstorm which blanketed the East. But New York City went a step further. Governor Andrew Cuomo imposed emergency measures that seemed to many to be like “martial law” in New York City by ordering all people to stay inside under police enforcement. He issued an absolute travel ban for anything that is not an emergency vehicle.

Of course, a travel ban during what WND admits is a "massive record-breaking snowstorm" is nothing at all like martial law. As WND later admits, the ban was instituted so the streets could be clear of those massive, record-breaking amounts of snow.

And the travel ban had its intended effect: it helped New York City to reopen its roads quickly despite the record snowfall. "Because we put the travel ban in, Sanitation was able to get out there and plow as well as they did," Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

WND also might want to read up on the definition of martial law, which is usually applied in times of governmental chaos, such as a coup or a military takeover, and is usually accompanied by the suspension of civil law and civil rights. Needless to say, none of that happened in New York; ergo, there was no "martial law" there.

If there's anything close to martial law happening in the U.S. right now, it's the militia takeover of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon. But WND doesn't want to talk about that for some reason.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 AM EST

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