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Friday, November 20, 2015
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, WND Management Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

So, let’s take stock: abandonment by his father, early Muslim training, toxic teen influences, hardcore Marxist indoctrination and Alinsky training, drug abuse (“Choom Gang”), association with criminals (Tony Rezko) and terrorists (William Ayers), racist religious affiliation (Jeremiah Wright), extreme political ambition and probable mental illness/disorder. Quite a cocktail that forms the current U.S. president’s worldview and sensibilities.

The question is not whether Obama is delusional or not – that is undeniable. The question is, in what frame of reference is he delusional – the narrow one Krauthammer cites, regarding Obama’s denial that radical Islam poses an existential threat to America and the world? Or the wider context of the rest of life? For when we widen our scope, we are forced to acknowledge that Obama gravitates toward evil and delusion not just with regard to the jihad threat, but in virtually every area: He wants to force 15-year-old girls to shower naked with boys who delusionally believe they’re girls. He intentionally allows our nation to be overrun with illegal aliens and legal “refugees” from cultures that hate America (today’s headline says of the Syrian refugees already in the U.S., 2,098 are Muslims and 53 are Christians). He annually releases tens of thousands of convicted criminal illegal aliens – we’re talking murderers, rapists and drug dealers – back onto American streets. He’s a radical proponent of what can only be called infanticide, the “aborting” of fully formed, full-term healthy human babies.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil.

Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.

Ultimately, the question is largely academic. Whatever the ultimate explanation of Obama’s delusional presidency, he demonstrates at every turn a remarkable attraction for that which is destructive and corrupting to human life, that is, “evil.” And he is dragging America – and increasingly the world – through hell in search of it, which he somehow, however inexplicably, sees as good.

-- David Kupelian, Nov. 17 WorldNetDaily column

The list of potentially devastating and catastrophic threats seems almost endless when you start enumerating them.

In considering all of them, however, I came to an alarming conclusion.

The No. 1 threat to America’s national security has a name. It’s a person. It’s the de facto president of the United States at least until Jan. 20, 2017 – more than a year from now. The No. 1 enemy of this great experiment in self-governance and limited government under the rule of law and through the will of the people is none other than the man in the White House – Barack Obama.

I don’t make this assertion lightly.

I make it on the weighing of the evidence before us.

Would ISIS have a chance to spread its virus of death and mayhem throughout the free world without Obama’s incubation?

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore

Could he do more to encourage radical Islam’s goals of imposing fear and asserting control through his policies of forced importation of tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of so-called “refugees” from the Middle East into the U.S. without screening against the kinds of people who attacked Paris last week?

When he accuses Republicans of spreading “fear and panic” by questioning the wisdom of this dictatorial plan imposed on an unwilling republic and sovereign states isn’t he actually and deliberately doing what he accuses his political opponents of doing?


Could I be right that America’s No. 1 national security threat is not named ISIS, not named Putin, not named al-Qaida or China or economic calamity but rather Barack Hussein Obama?

-- Joseph Farah, Nov. 18 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 8:48 AM EST

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