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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
WND Columnist: Multiculturalism Is Just Like Having AIDS
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It’s fashionable to promote multiculturalism in the name of diversity.

According to the most avid supporters, “We all just need to get along. We need to get over our differences and live in peace.”

The problem with this is that it assumes there is no right or wrong. It assumes all beliefs are of equal value. Christianity and Islam are equals. Free enterprise and socialism are equals. Everyone just needs to accept that others beliefs are of equal value to their own.

Such thinking is like the AIDS virus.The human body is designed to fight off colds and flues and to heal from various wounds. Attacks on the health of the body are spotted and biological combat commences. The AIDS virus turns off the body’s defense mechanism. AIDS stands for “Immune Deficiency Syndrome.” It tells the body, “You’re OK,” when it’s not OK.

Multiculturalism says, “Don’t worry about a little socialism. It won’t hurt you.” It says, “Don’t be a stickler about God’s laws. Other people don’t believe them, and they’re just fine.” It says, “Don’t harp about traditional families. Be modern. Accept anything in the name of progress and diversity.”

-- Ted Baehr, July 12 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 8:00 PM EDT

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