Topic: managing editor Michael W. Chapman's obsession with reprinting the anti-gay, anti-Muslim and anti-Obama tirades of Franklin Graham hasn't abated.
We've previously documented how in the first three months of 2015, 25 of the 69 articles Chapman wrote were Franklin Graham regurgitations. The sycophancy continues: In the three months from April 12 to June 30, of the 62 articles Chapman published, 21 were transcriptions of Graham's rantings -- a full one-thrid of Chapman's written output. In addition, three more articles by Chapman repeated the rants of Franklin's sister, Anne Graham Lotz.
That means of the 131 articles Chapman has written in 2015, 46 of them, or 35 percent, were dedicated to uncritically repeating Franklin Graham's words.
For all of Chapman's dedicated Graham sycophancy, there are words of his he won't repeat -- the ones where Graham isn't denigrating people he despises. We've already noted that Chapman didn't think Graham's denunciation of the Muhammad cartoon contest where two would-be gunmen were killed as an uncalled-for mocking of Muslims was worth repeating.
In a June 22 Facebook post, Graham said it is time to "set aside" the Confederate battle flag in an effort to boost American unity:
My great-great-grandfathers fought for the South under the Confederate flag during the civil war--both were wounded at Gettysburg and lost limbs. Growing up, many people in the South flew the Confederate flag; but I believe that it’s time for this flag to be set aside as a part of our history. We are all Americans, and we need unity today more than ever. Through faith in Christ we can have love and reconciliation with one another—regardless of race. Jesus Christ can change the human heart and take away the prejudice, racism, and hatred that lies within.
While Chapman has devoted four CNS posts to Graham's words since June 22, none of them are his words on the Confederate battle flag.
Apparently, if Graham isn't attacking gays, Muslims or the president, Chapman doesn't want to hear about it -- and, more importantly, doesn't want to tell his readers about it. Is that responsible behavior for the managing editor of something that claims to be a news organization?