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Sunday, May 10, 2015
WND's Klayman Likens McCain To His North Vietnamese Captors
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Oh, Larry Klayman. It's a good thing nobody takes you or your publisher, WorldNetDaily, seriously these days, or otherwise someone would care about the enormously stupid thing you said about John McCain in your May 8 WND column about Republicans who support NSA metadata collection:

It is thus clear that the problem today is not just the self-described Emperor Obama, who like King George III, governs by executive fiat and not the will of the people, but also those establishment Republican leaders, like McCain, Graham, Rubio, Christie and other lackies of omni-powerful government who believe in the words of their now-deceased soul brother, Alexander Hamilton, that the people are a great beast. These disgraceful and compromised politicians think that they can decide for the rest of us what is necessary and right – in this case wholesale violation of privacy rights in what Judge Leon calls in his 2013 order “almost Orwellian.” (See

Well, I have news for McCain and the establishment wing of the Republican Party: If he thinks that what the NSA (and also the CIA) have been doing is peachy keen, then perhaps he has more kinship to Ho Chi Minh and the senator’s dictatorial former North Vietnamese jailers at the Hanoi Hilton than our Founding Fathers.

But since you are a failed lawyer associated with an extremist website with no credibility, you will continue to be ignored. As you should be.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:11 PM EDT

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