Topic: WorldNetDaily
Oh, how nice. The man who is president says he takes “full responsibility” for the fact that two innocent hostages were killed in a U.S. drone attack.
Perhaps Barack Obama thought that made him sound strong and in-charge, but in reality, those words mean nothing.
Will his “full responsibility” mean any retribution against him?
Will he suffer any negative consequences for it?
No more than Janet Reno suffered any consequences for taking “full responsibility” for what happened at Waco.
-- Barbara Simpson, April 26 WorldNetdaily column
Maybe we’ve had avaricious, corrupt, ill-intended and even anti-American presidents before. We never “felt” them. Their evils and infirmities didn’t count. They didn’t interfere with our pride in being Americans. Do you gather what I’m gathering from Washington these days? The state of Oregon receiving a multi-million-buck bonus for enrolling the most residents per capita onto food stamps; Obama’s ham-handed attempt in 2009 to hand Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood, the same year he went voluntarily deaf to the pleas of freedom-loving Iranians for a word of moral support against the Islamic dictatorship; refusal to arm the Kurds, who’ve proven their ability to stand up against ISIS; and now we have the first fumes of an administration manipulating the handover of American uranium to Russia.
Benedict Arnold may have run West Point, but he never betrayed us from the White House!
-- Barry Farber, April 28 WND column
The operatives in Baltimore are but one contingent of Obama’s Revolutionary Army; illegal immigration and amnesty activists are another, as are various other entitled and protected class groups the political left has cultivated over many years. Effective manipulation of these demographics will be integral in determining whether or not he can successfully turn us all against one another at the appointed time.
-- Erik Rush, April 29 WND column
Social justice? Level playing field? Equal opportunity? Income inequality? Everyone should play by the same rules?
Cue the cheeky cherubs breaking through the pillowy clouds blowing sweet trumpet music in the heavenly skies.
Our embarrassing president and all the cult-of-denial goons that chant the above nonsense have clearly lost all sense of reason, logic, common sense and honesty, not to mention a basic grasp of human history.
-- Ted Nugent, April 29 WND column
Like everyone else who can’t wait for the Obamas to vacate the White House, I want to tell 2017 not to dawdle. No stopping to smell the roses while the rest of us are sniffing the swamp gas emanating from what has come to be known over the past six years as the Offal Office.
-- Burt Prelutsky, April 30 WND column
I’m not sure anyone could demean and cheapen the White House more than Bill and Hillary Clinton did in the 1990s.
There was a general sense the whole place needed to be fumigated after they left – carpets shampooed or replaced, linens replaced, but most of all our national psyche needed to be scrubbed to rid ourselves of the mental images the place conjured after reports of the debauchery that took place there.
But eventually the Obamas showed up.
There was Barack Obama waxing eloquent in a comedy sketch last week during the White House Correspondents dinner. He seemed disturbingly more at home telling jokes than discussing national policy. If he used a Teleprompter, he did it effectively.
-- Joseph Farah, May 1 WND column