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Sunday, April 12, 2015
Joseph Farah Anti-Gay Rant Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In yet another anti-gay rant dismissing sexual orientation as a "lifestyle choice," Joseph Farah throws this into his April 9 WorldNetDaily column:

Health is a big issue for government these days. Anti-smoking proclamations are all the rage. Cities are banning transfats and Big Gulps. The first lady is telling kids what kind of foods they can and cannot eat.
No one, however, is talking about the health effects of homosexuality, sodomy, promiscuity and adultery any more. Those topics, once understood by anyone and everyone, are not even open for discussion for fear of being called a bigot or a prude. But I’m going to risk the barbs by doing just that.

It was a big news story throughout the world 18 months ago when actor Michael Douglas explained his throat cancer did not come from smoking, but rather from a sexually transmitted disease associated with oral sex. Do you remember that? Nobody, by the way, disputed the diagnosis. Everyone seemingly therefore understands there are indeed health risks associated uniquely with sodomy and, presumably, to other types of sexual behavior.

Farah, as usual, is hiding a pertinent detail. Douglas' cancer was caused by the HPV virus; CBS notes that HPV can be blocked by a vaccine like Gardasil. 

But, in addition to hating gays, Farah opposes the HPV vaccine as well.

WND has regularly fearmongered about Gardasil. Farah himself wrote an incredibly dishonest column in 2012 declaring that people "will die and get seriously ill as a result of the vaccine." He wrote that "There are more than 100 strains of HPV; Gardasil and Cervarix, the most commonly prescribed vaccines, offer protection against two of them." In fact, according to the article he cites to back him up, those two strains cause 70 percent of cervical cancers, and Gardasil also prevents two other HPV strains that cause 90 percent of genital wart cases.

Farah went on to cite Dr. Joseph Mercola as an expert in fearmongering about HPV. As we've documented, Mercola is a fringe seller of health supplements who has been twice ordered by the Food and Drug Administration to stop making claims about his supplements that go beyond their intended uses. 

It seems Farah has no problem with letting people suffer and die of preventable diseases if he disapproves of how those diseases were contracted.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:52 PM EDT

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