A tagline at the end of's economics articles states that they are "funded in part with a gift made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold." We have to wonder if Wold is spinning in his grave at the abysmal quality of so-called reporting his bequest to the Media Research Center is funding.
A Feb. 26 CNS article by Ali Meyer is an example of this. It's all about how "The average price of a pound of ground beef climbed to another record high -- $4.235 per pound -- in the United States in January." Even though Meyer slings a full complement of stats in her article, at no point does she explain why beef has become so expensive, implying that it's somehow the fault of President Obama.
In fact, as more responsible news outlets have reported, the high prices are the result of a years-long drought in Texas and the Midwest that shrank the U.S. cattle herd in 2014 to its smallest size since 1952.
Unless Wold's bequest specifically ordered Meyer and CNS to mislead about the economy to falsely smear the Oabma administration -- which may indeed be the case, given that many of CNS' misleading articles about monthly unemployment rates also contain the tagline crediting him -- we can't imagine that Wold's heirs are happy about how CNS is using his money.