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Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Phil Elmore's Anti-Liberal Tirade
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnist Phil Elmore is capable of common sense not typically found at WND, such as pointing out the phoniness of the WND-hyped link between vaccines and autism. But he can also be as rabidly reactionary and kneejerk right-wing as any given WND columnist.

Elmore's Nov. 26 column, unfortunately, was one of the latter, which he devotes to how liberals are lying to you on the Internet:

Very few people stop to understand the social media culture war that is raging around them. Culture wars are nothing new. Totalitarian, statist Democrats, the would-be fascists of the modern era, have long conspired to subjugate the American people. Barack Hussein Obama’s quest to “fundamentally transform” the United States is just the latest iteration of this long-fought battle, which has seen Democrats perverting everything from the meaning of the word “liberal” to every other traditional moral value and social norm.

Liberal Democrats don’t just hate America; they hate free thought, free speech and the free exchange of ideas. This is why liberals fight their endless battle to silence all speech, to quell all ideas, that they find distasteful. If you disagree with a liberal Democrat, you are not just wrong; you are a horrible person who deserves to lose his job and be censured by his peers.

We presume Elmore is totally down with the culture wars his publisher wages against gays and for homeschoolers, which is just as dishonest, if not more so, as anything he accuses liberals of doing.

Somehow, this turned into a tirade against the New York City catcalling video, which Elmore dismissed as " deceptively edited and dishonestly presented" and shows the woman, in fact, "rudely refusing to respond to any greeting." And then, it moved to a defense of caddish men:

Modern women are apparently so incapable of coping with diversity of thought and opinion that even an unsolicited “hello” is “harassment.” These are people so weak-minded that they must have controversial ideas prefaced with absurd phrases like “trigger warning.” They trade in a manufactured argot of victimhood that includes terms like “patriarchy,” “hetero-normative” and “cis-gender.” They hate men and maleness, they hate heterosexuality, they hate families, and they hate traditional norms. They lie, blatantly and constantly, to attack these facets of our culture.

The message of the faked “drunk girl” video, by comparison, is that all men are not just rude, but also rapists. This idea – that all men are part of “rape culture” – is part and parcel of a “social justice” movement that now pervades the Internet and social media. According to that movement, all masculinity is wrong, and all men are criminals who simply haven’t been punished yet.

These are, like so much of liberal thought and philosophy, all lies – but that never stops Democrats from telling them.

Elmore is starting to sound like one of those anti-feminist men's rights creeps -- which WND happens to like as well.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:18 PM EST

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