Topic: WorldNetDaily
We wondered why WorldNetDaily wasn't publishing or promoting Jerome Corsi's new Ebola e-book, even though he's a WND employee. Turns out WND is doing its own Ebola e-book by a similarly discredited source.
An Oct. 31 WND article touts:
Throughout the current Ebola crisis, Americans have endured a constant stream of smug, evasive and misleading assurances from both Barack Obama and the CDC that they were totally on top of the Ebola threat – when the truth has been quite the opposite.
Understandably, Americans are anxious, concerned and often don’t know what to believe. Into this breach steps Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and also head of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, with a brand new e-book, published by WND Books, titled “The Truth About Ebola: Protect Yourself and Your Family.” It authoritatively answers every practical question – and then some – you may have regarding Ebola, all without even a smidgeon of the political correctness infecting the government’s statements, reassurances and policies.
Orient, of course, is the head of the fringe right-wing Association of American Physicians and Surgeons , which opposes mandatory vaccination and promotes all kinds of conspiracy theories.
As we've documented, Orient has pushed the discredited idea that Ebola is airborne, citing a study that doesn't prove what she claims it does. Orient has also falsely fearmongered that Ebola is coming into the U.S. over the Southern border.
The fact that WND is giving away Orient's e-book (plus updates "every month for the next five months") demonstrates the real value of Orient's information. It's ultimately just an email-harvesting scheme to build up WND's mailing list.
But, hey, if you're a fringe right-winger like Orient who wants to engage in some counterfactual fearmongering for fun and profit, WND is the place for her.