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Wednesday, October 15, 2014
WND Tries To Clean Up After Michael Savage's Latest Outburst
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Right-wing radio host Michael Savage got caught spewing hate on his show again, and WorldNetDaily has stepped in to try and limit the damage. Take it away, Chelsea Schilling:

CNN is accusing talk-radio host Michael Savage of spreading “wild conspiracy theories” about Ebola and claiming Obama is purposely trying to infect U.S. troops and the nation with the deadly virus.

“Speaking of wild conspiracy theories, conservative talk-radio host Michael Savage, who has one of the biggest radio audiences in the country, has even been suggesting that this is all some Obama plot to purposely infect the nation,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said in a segment on his show headlined, “Dangers of Ebola: Myths and misconceptions.”

CNN then played a clip of Savage telling listeners of his nationally syndicated show, “There’s not a sane reason to take 4,000 troops and send them into a hot Ebola zone without expecting at least one of them to come back with Ebola, unless you want to infect the nation with Ebola.”

Tapper then said, “It’s hard to even know where to start with that one – the idea that the president wants to infect soldiers and then Americans. It’s so unhinged, we should probably not bother dignifying it with fact-checking.”

Savage – who has a doctorate in epidemiology and coined the president’s nickname, President Obola – didn’t indicate that Obama actively sought to infect soldiers. He expressed his alarm at the prospect of sending thousands of U.S. troops into a hot zone and potentially exposing them to the deadly virus.

Sorry, Chelsea -- if Savage is claiming there is no reason for Obama to send troops to Africa "unless you want to infect the nation with Ebola," he is, in fact, indicating that Obama actively sought to infect soldiers. You can't spin it any other way, no matter how hard you try.

And you definitely can't spin it any other way given Savage's unhinged anti-Obama rhetoric on Ebola: accusing Obama of letting Ebola “get out of control” and ludicrously claiming that the president's praise of Abraham Lincoln means that he'll suspend habeas corpus just like Lincoln did, and claiming that Ebola will be Obama's Kristallnacht.

Schilling also performs a sin of non-disclosure: failing to mention the business agreement WND has with Savage through which WND hosts Savage's website.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:18 PM EDT

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