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Saturday, October 11, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It has become fairly clear that the Obama administration intends to render American citizens as defenseless as possible when it comes to militant Muslims.

-- Erik Rush, Oct. 1 WorldNetDaily column

One would think with all of the admiration Barack Hussein Obama has from the American people (so the state-run media would have you believe) the least thing he would need would be more protection from the people he is reportedly serving. Yet, it was recently reported that he is building a wall around the White House at taxpayer expense to insulate himself from them.

America is awake to the fact that the southern border of the United States remains unsecure and the illegal aliens are invading on a daily basis. Yet, his house needs to be secure by building a wall of protection against people of this country that he serves? How telling! What is legal for him seems to be illegal for the American people (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). He works you! Why is he so heavily protected against his own people?

-- Bradlee Dean, Oct. 2 WND column

The Obama administration has put America in peril like never in her history, and never has that been more apparent than in the face of this Ebola crisis.

This administration has used the powers it was given as if it were an enemy of the American people. It is killing America, her heritage, her traditions, her security and her people. It is ravaging the electorate. It is treating the American people like an abused wife.

-- Gina Loudon, Oct. 5 WND column

When a person behaved boorishly or purposely behaved in a way that was inconsistent with propriety, my late grandmother used to say the person was “showing their behind.” In the case of Obama, he is telling America to kiss his.


I could site [sic] dozens more examples in which Obama openly shows concern for evil terrorists, Muslims, and black ghetto trash while he glaringly ignores the welfare of Americans.

I cannot conceive of another political figure in whatever future America has left who will be as transpicuously dismissive of Americans as Obama.

It cannot be expressed often enough, nor expressed strongly enough, that Obama deserves national condemnation. True American leaders do not dismiss the sufferings and losses of we the American people as casually as he does.

-- Mychal Massie, Oct. 6 WND column

Upon hearing this latest evidence of the incompetence permeating our government, the conversation veered into conspiracy territory. One of the men brought up the fact that Washington has known for months if not years that we were at risk for some sort of global pandemic. According to a government supplier of emergency products, the Disaster Assistance Response Team was told to be prepared to be activated in the month of October for an outbreak of Ebola. Hmm, that’s just like the fact that they knew 60,000 illegal children were going to be coming across our southern border eight months before it happened.

Questions were then brought up about the stockpiling of ammunition and weapons by Homeland Security over the past couple of years and the $1 billion worth of disposable FEMA coffins supposedly stored in Georgia. Why was there preparation being made for FEMA camps to house people in isolation? These were the questions being seriously discussed.

Recent polls show that there is a crisis of confidence among the people. When the people lose all trust in their government because of the lies they have been told over and over again, theories begin to emerge about all sorts of things. We desperately need someone to rebuild the trust and restore faith in this government. The damage that has been done is almost irreparable.

My fear is that this has all been orchestrated from the very beginning. Who knows? Maybe the current administration needs this to happen so martial law can be declared, guns can be seized and the populace can be controlled. Once that happens … game over.

-- Morgan Brittany, Oct. 7 WND column

For years now, from Obama down through every political appointee and administration spokesperson, all have followed the pattern of denial and minimization prior to implementation of policies (if acknowledging the need for a policy at all), astonishment in the face of the resulting calamity, followed by more denial and minimization. We learned about it on the news. We underestimated the impact of fill-in-the-blank. And no, we don’t have a strategy …

I’ve said before (and I am by no means the only one) that it would be statistically impossible for an individual to be sufficiently unlucky, incompetent, or intellectually compromised that their policies would overwhelmingly result in disaster after disaster. Unfortunately, we’ve cultivated a population wherein there are individuals among us so mind-blowingly stupid that they believe travel restrictions imposed on Ebola-stricken nations would be racist. Thus, there are plenty of folks who still buy into the “Obama as the good-natured bungler” narrative – sort of a Steve Urkel with a pen and a phone.

While I have breath, however, I will continue to affirm that the individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama is a malignant saboteur, harboring allegiances that are in conflict with his role as our president.

-- Erik Rush, Oct. 8 WND column

We don’t believe that our president is a Christian.

We don’t believe that denying any semblance of security in Benghazi was due to simple ineptitude.

We don’t believe the Affordable Health Care Act has anything to do with providing better health care to needy Americans. What we are convinced of is that Obamacare is just another redistribution scam by the scammer in chief and his socialist/commie supporters.

We don’t believe that president Obama and his sidekick, Attorney General Eric Holder, were unaware of the Fast and Furious gunrunning scam to Mexican gangs.

-- Ted Nugent, Oct. 8 WND column

In my new book, “You Lie: The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds, and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Obama,” I set out to document Obama’s lies. So many are they I ended up writing a history of his presidency. Here are just 10 out of many.


1.“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Oh, man, Obama had his hand on the Bible for this one. May God have mercy on his soul.

-- Jack Cashill, Oct. 8 WND column

But as has been true throughout Obama’s illegitimate presidency, as all credible evidence suggests that he was born in Kenya and is neither a natural born citizen eligible to be president, nor has he been “naturalized” as a citizen to even have the right to remain here – see the deportation petition I filed recently – regrettably our Muslim commander in chief has favored his own creed over the rest of us. Obama has turned Martin Luther King’s revolution for equality for all races, colors and creeds on its head. Now, during his regime, relegating whites and others who are not black or Muslim to the back of the bus has become an invidious form of reverse discrimination. This was not right when blacks were subjected to this treatment, and it is not right now – particularly given its deadly implications.

Something must be done to stop this madness and destructive misuse of the office of the president.

-- Larry Klayman, Oct. 10 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:10 PM EDT

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