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Friday, October 10, 2014
Dick Morris And People With Incompetence Written All Over Them
Topic: Newsmax

Courtney Coren writes in an Oct. 8 Newsmax article:

When Republicans attack President Barack Obama in their campaigns for the upcoming midterm elections, they ought to focus on his incompetence, says veteran political analyst Dick Morris.

"We are so busy attacking him from the right over ideology and issue differences," Morris, author of the new book "Power Grab: Obama's Dangerous Plan for a One Party Nation," told J.D. Hayworth on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV Wednesday.

"If you just look at the issue of competence — incompetence at the VA, incompetence at the Secret Service, incompetence in protecting Benghazi, incompetence in assessing the risk of ISIS, and incompetence in dealings with Russia — you're dealing with a president who has incompetence written all over him," he explained.

That's rather rich coming from a pundit who has incompetence written all over him.

Coren didn't mention Morris' history of political incompetence, nor did she disclose that his book is published by her employer.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:36 PM EDT

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