Topic: WorldNetDaily
Garth Kant gushes over Sarah Palin in a Sept. 26 WorldNetDaily article:
Sarah Palin brought down the house without saying a word.
The former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate came to the Values Voters Summit in Washington Friday to deliver a speech, but she may have spoken volumes with a simple, silent gesture.
Offering the gesture to the commander in chief on behalf of all Americans who support the military, Palin suddenly stopped speaking and raised a Styrofoam cup in a mock salute.
It was a satirical critique of President Obama’s Sept. 23 salute to Marines with a Styrofoam cup in his hand. The moment was captured in a photo that prompted criticism from many who found the informality beneath the commander in chief.
Not only did Kant fail to mention that Republican presidents have also saluted the troops with things in their hands, he hid a major Palin gaffe from his readers: In the same speech, she referred to the White House as being located at "1400 Pennsylvania Avenue" when, as everyone knows, it's at 1600 Pennsylvana Ave.
But then, Kant writes for WND, a "news" outlet that's not terribly interested in reporting the truth.