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Thursday, August 28, 2014
MRC Thinks Jon Stewart Was Serious
Topic: Media Research Center

Anyone who has ever watched "NewsBusted" knows that the Media Research Center is humor-challenged. But MRC writer Kristine Marsh may very well be the most humor-challenged of the bunch.

In an Aug. 27 MRC item, Marsh somehow chooses to interpret a "Daily Show" segment on the Ferguson, Mo., shooting by declaring that "Jon Stewart had a lot of hate to unload on Fox News, and a lot of sanctimonious posturing on race." Marsh added: "Stewart condescendingly lectured Sean Hannity, saying 'Do you not understand that life in this country is inherently different for white people and black people?'"

But Marsh failed to include the context of that statement -- the accompanying video clip includes only that statement. In fact, Stewart was responding to Hannity's statement that he would simply lift his shirt to let an officer know he had a gun if he were ever stopped by police.

Marsh then demonstrated her utter lack of a sense of humor:

All standard fare for the media’s race baiters, but then Stewart pushed the boundaries of reason and claimed that racial discrimination was something every black person in America faced on a constant hourly basis.

“I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced an indignity — from the ridiculous to the grotesque to the sometimes fatal — at some point in their … I’m going to say last couple of hours because of their skin color.”

It’s hard to argue with such an absurd statement that Stewart could obviously know nothing about, much less, “guarantee.” 

Marsh has obviously never heard of exaggerated claims being the base of humor.  Marsh's huffing that Stewart was making "such an absurd statement" contrasts with Rush's Limbaugh regular defense of his repeated offensive remarks by claiming he was merely illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

How is it that Marsh can presumably see Limbaugh's absurdity for what it is but not Stewart's? 

Posted by Terry K. at 9:22 PM EDT

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