Topic:'s Penny Starr has long been a propagandist for fossil-fuel interests, uncritically repeating the claims of industry lobbyists as though they were the gospel (as befits an organization that has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding from oil interests).
Starr phones it in again in an Aug. 8 article in which she dutifully regurgitates the latest corporate claim:
A study commissioned by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) on the impact of a proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation shows that it could be the costliest federal rule by reducing the Gross National Product by $270 billion per year and $3.4 trillion from 2017 to 2040 and adds $2.2 trillion in compliance costs for the same time period.
Starr didn't bother to mention that NAM's official position is opposing EPA regulations, so it's not a surprise that it would commission a study that backs up its claims.
Starr's old friend, the American Petroleum Institute, also makes an appearance:
At an event for reporters on Friday, the American Petroleum Institute introduced a map it has produced showing how the new regulation would harm the economy in states across the country.
API also claims that the nation’s air quality is improving and health benefits from the lower ozone standards are not backed by the science.
As you would expect from such a dutiful stenographer, Starr made no apparent effort to talk to any actual environmentalists about the claims made by NAM and API.