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Monday, July 28, 2014
CNS' Hollingsworth Dutifully Transcribes More Right-Wing Talking Points

Barbara Hollingsworth has yet another fit of lazy journalism in which she decides to serve as stenographer for a right-wing activist group in a July 22 article. This time, she uncritically repeats attacks from the Institute for Energy Research that a new report warning of the dangers of climate change "is just another attempt by economic and political elites to impose a carbon tax on Americans."

Hollingsworth not only fails to obtain response to IER's criticism, it fails to disclose that IER has strong ties to the energy industry, including donations from ExxonMobil and Koch-affilated interests.

Such ties and funding would seem to counter Hollingsworth's implication that IER's criticism is objective and not agenda-driven, but she doesn't want you to know about it.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:18 PM EDT

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