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Thursday, February 6, 2014
The Return of Scarf-Gate, WND Edition
Topic: NewsBusters

Some years ago, NewsBusters tried to invent a controversy by claiming that NBC's Matt Lauer was wearing a "Palestinian support scarf." Surprisingly, the guy who penned that, Mark Finkelstein, still writes for NewsBusters despite the utterly absurd premise.

Now, WorldNetDaily wants in on some of that sweet terror-scarf action. From a Jan. 29 WND article:

The report Tuesday of a photo showing Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, wearing a Hamas scarf that declares the Palestinian organization’s aim of destroying Israel tells only part of the story of Malik’s role in the violent advance of Islam.

The photo, posted at the website of Malik Obama’s nonprofit Barack H. Obama Foundation, shows Obama’s half-brother – the best man in the president’s wedding – wearing the scarf at a 2010 conference in Sanaa, Yemen.

The text of the scarf, reports Arabic-language researcher Walid Shoebat, features the Palestinian slogan “Jerusalem is ours – We are coming” and a map with the phrase “From the river to the sea,” a reference to the elimination of Israel, which lies between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Well, there's your problem right there. Shoebat is an Obama-hater who can't quite prove he's the former Palestinian terrorist he claims to be and whose funding is murky.We last saw Shoebat promoting a claim that Muslims were buying the blood of beheaded Christians -- a claim WND's Jerome Corsi took seriously but almost nobody else did.

Since Shoebat, like WND, puts its anti-Obama agenda ahead of actual facts, there's no reason to trust anything being reported here. After all, nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:46 PM EST

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