Topic: NewsBusters
Tim Graham complains in a Jan. 25 NewsBusters post, headlined "USA Today Writes Unopposed Press Release for Liberal Virginia Attorney General's Gay-Marriage Move":
One way that liberal journalists promote a “rapid string of victories for the gay marriage movement” is by utterly shutting out any voice that dares speak in opposition to it. In Friday’s USA Today, reporter Richard Wolf (not MSNBC’s Richard Wolffe) wrote an entire story on how new Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring refuses to defend a gay marriage “ban,” and Wolf refused to quote any opponents.
One could say that USA Today was following the journalistic example of NewsBusters' sister operation,, which frequently writes unopposed press releases promoting right-wing activists and policies.
Yet Graham does not dare criticize his fellow Media Research Center employees for engaging in the very same kind of journalism he's bashing USA Today for.
Graham might be taken more seriously as a media critic if he didn't exempt those who adhere to his right-wing ideology from criticism.