Topic: WorldNetDaily
We've all been waiting with bated breath for the most anticipated WorldNetDaily column of the week: What would Ilana Mercer -- who still kinda misses apartheid -- have to say about the death of Nelson Mandela?
Now we have our answer. Mercer's Dec. 12 WND column mostly wusses out, devoting most of it to an 11-page excerpt from her book "Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Aparthid South Africa" in which she purports to offer "a historic corrective to the glitterati-created myth that is Mandela."
The rest of Mercer's column is dedicated to calling President Obama a "dictator" and "consummate narcissist" and complaining her work wasn't sufficiently promoted during an appearance on the Russia Today channel.
Mercer also laments that "My homeland South Africa is a dominant-party state where might makes right." She doesn't indicate whether she's referring to the Apartheid era.