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Monday, November 4, 2013
WND's Washington: If Imaginary Books Are Counted, Liberals Have Burned More Than The Nazis
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We guess that we can thank WorldNetDaily's Ellis Washington for finally giving up the pretense that he's not likening President Obama and other non-conservatives to Nazis while doing exactly that. That doesn't mean, of course, that such comparisons are factual or even intellectually honest.

Washington serves up another doozy of Godwinism in his Nov. 1 WND column:

The caption in the image above was perhaps written around 1943 and says that, “Ten years ago the Nazis burned these books … but in America we can still read them.” Although this statement tried to distinguish America from Nazi Germany, it is only partially true today. Why? Because while in a de jure (legal) sense America today doesn’t burn books, in a de facto (unofficial) sense through our book publishing industry, our literary agent industry, our media, our education system, our politics, our legal system and throughout culture and society, their exists an existential book burning, happening on a much greater scale by the Democrat Socialist Party, a scale the Nationalist Socialist Party could only dream of 80 years ago under Hitler and the Nazis. In modern times today, leftists creates this book burning atmosphere by deconstructing, perverting and destroying conservative ideas, particularly those out of the Judeo-Christian tradition of intellectual thought … without lighting one match or igniting one torch. Hitler would be pleased!

Only in such an anti-God, anti-intellectual society as America has devolved into during the Age of Progressivism (1860–present) and in the Age of Obama (2009–present) are Heine’s prophetic words tantamount to those of Moses, Isaiah and St. Paul when he wrote, “Where books (ideas) are burned, they will, in the end burn people, too.”

Yes, Washington really is claiming that progressives burn more books than the Nazis if imaginary ones are counted in the total. And, apparently, criticizing a conservative idea is exactly the same thing as setting it on fire.

Somehow, we doubt that Washington feels the same way about conservative criticism of progressive ideas; otherwise, that would make him a walking pile of oily rags and a box of matches.

We can also presume that Washington including "our book publishing industry, our literary agent industry" in his book-burning rant is probably about Washington's inability to get his works published. This overlooks the fact that the not-left-leaning website that publishes his column operates a book division. What does it say that even WND apparently considers Washington unworthy of having his work published in book form? Probably that WND actually has some standards after all.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:15 PM EST

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