Topic: WorldNetDaily
We all know about the way these people squander our tax dollars on White House galas and African safaris, but until the recent shutdown, I wasn’t aware of the size of the personal staffs with which they surround themselves. Barack has a staff of 1,701 – 90 of whom merely look after his living quarters. For purposes of comparison, Queen Elizabeth’s Buckingham Palace is 12 times larger than the White House, but she somehow manages to make do with a crew of 800.
Mrs. Obama has 16 personal assistants at her beck and call. That’s more people than George Washington had in his entire administration.
The question that comes to mind is: Where do I sign up for the revolution?
-- Burt Prelutsky, Oct. 15 WorldNetDaily column
Are any more accusations against President Obama allowed, or have we reached and breached the quota? We’re told, even by former close friends of the administration, “This is the most secretive … the most arrogant … the most self-serving … the most lying” … etc. “… administration in history … in memory … I’ve ever known.”
If it’s not too late, I’d like to add that this administration is the most ham-handed administration in history.
-- Barry Farber, Oct. 15 WND column
Segue to 2013. The founders could never have imagined the “long train of abuses and usurpations” that have been inflicted on American citizens in just the past five years alone. Of course, the power holders in Washington would have us believe that the victims of their abuses and usurpations are part of a small, fringe conspiracy group stoking the fires of discontent. But nothing could be further from the truth.
It is the government’s own policies that guarantee a never-ending stream of ”crises.” And as we approach November 2014 – and, more important, the spring/summer of 2016 – any one of these phony government crises could be used as an excuse for Barack Obama to become the third U.S. president to invoke a sedition act. Which, in turn, could conveniently be used as an excuse to ”postpone” elections in 2014 – or, more likely, 2016 – for ”security reasons.”
-- Robert Ringer, Oct. 16 WND column
Hardly anybody who has gone through the public education system since 1960 is part of a well-educated generation. As proof, you only need to take a look at Obama. He is a prime example of the shoddy product we’ve been turning out – a know-nothing with a colossal amount of ego.
Finally, Obama, who can’t keep his nose out of any controversy, so long as he thinks it will play well with his infantile base, let it be known that he thinks the Washington football franchise should no longer call itself the Redskins because, I suppose, there are three or four Indians who claim to be personally offended.
If I owned the Redskins, I would tell the schmuck in the Oval Office that I’ll change the team’s name when he changes his because I am personally offended that the president of the United States is named Barack Hussein Obama.
-- Burt Prelutsky, Oct. 22 WND column
Most of the true conservatives I know are supporters of the U.S. Constitution. Most of them agree that long before he duplicitously swore to uphold, protect and defend that Constitution, Barack Obama repeatedly disparaged and rejected it. Among these conservatives are many who would welcome Obama’s resignation or removal from office. Their hearts respond favorably to politicians who have in recent weeks alluded to the fact that Obama’s abuses of power constitute impeachable offenses, for which he and his collaborators should be removed from office.
-- Alan Keyes, Oct. 24 WND column
If you think that America will escape its slide from the current Black Camelot dictatorship, down through despotism and into totalitarianism without a free and vigilant press on at least one side of the political aisle, you are fatally mistaken. You and your entire NSA buddy list are headed for the same accommodation the Soviet KGB provided those they marked as enemies of the state: Prison, torture, confession and death. Evil destroys. That is what it does.
-- Craige McMillan, Oct. 25 WND column
I have been broadcasting for 31 years and writing for longer than that. I do not recall ever saying on radio or in print that a president is doing lasting damage to our country. I did not like the presidencies of Jimmy Carter (the last Democrat I voted for) or Bill Clinton. Nor did I care for the “compassionate conservatism” of George W. Bush. In modern political parlance “compassionate” is a euphemism for ever-expanding government.
But I have never written or broadcast that our country was being seriously damaged by a president. So it is with great sadness that I write that President Barack Obama has done and continues to do major damage to America. The only question is whether this can ever be undone.
-- Dennis Prager, Oct. 28 WND column
I’ve been persuaded that Barack Obama’s domestic policy agenda is designed to do one thing – foster chaos and crisis.
Knowing his relationship with ACORN and the agenda of the Cloward-Piven strategy behind it, nothing else makes sense. It even explains why his promotion of a national health-care strategy was designed to fail.
Most Americans still can’t conceive of the notion that a president of the United States would actually want to promote policies that could never work in the conventional understanding of the word “work.”
But if your ultimate goal is greater and greater state control of the population and the economy, which Obama’s ultimate goal surely is, then it all begins to make sense.
-- Joseph Farah, Oct. 28 WND column
“[T]technology that seemed cutting-edge in 2008 now seems painfully anachronistic,” writes Peterson. “Obama was reportedly ‘befuddled’ during an attempt to call a volunteer from an iPhone during the 2012 campaign.” This is the same sibilant, stuttering fool whose supposedly brilliant oratory skills collapsed the moment he stepped out of range of a teleprompter. This is the same classless, arrogant jerk who gave world leaders DVDs that were formatted for the wrong region and an iPod loaded with his own speeches. This is the same haughty, clueless dolt who promised to have 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015. This is the same petulant, defensive idiot who believed erecting a monstrously overpriced website to sell government-ordered insurance would somehow magically result in “affordable health care.”
-- Phil Elmore, Oct. 30 WND column