Topic: WorldNetDaily
Unlike many of my friends, I don’t believe Obama is stupid. Nor do I believe he is incompetent. I believe he has another motive to disarm Americans – one that has nothing to do with safety. It’s about control of the population from the top-down. This is going to sound brutishly harsh and judgmental, but, I believe, he is consciously using the escalation of violence his anti-gun policies knowingly and predictably cause to render the population helpless before a government with a monopoly on force.
Again, let’s look at who the shooter was in the Navy Yard attack.
He has repeatedly broken gun laws. He was never prosecuted.
He was stark, raving bonkers, and the Navy Yard was even warned about him by Rhode Island police. Nobody paid attention.
He used a shotgun, the kind of self-defense weapons recommended by none other than Vice President Joe Biden. He still managed to kill 12 people and injure many more.
Isn’t it obvious all of the prescriptions of the Obama administration and the gun-grabbing crowd are doing exactly what they are intended to do?
-- Joseph Farah, Sept. 23 WorldNetDaily column
Administrations usually have shining stars, outstanding personalities, like rich folks’ Christmas trees have expensive ornaments. Where are the intellectual stars like John Kenneth Galbraith, Henry Kissinger, James Baker? In fact, where is David Axelrod? Can you name one figure in this administration whose presence in our national line-up gives you comfort? Every time the TV moderator introduces the “administration spokesman” in a debate on Obamacare or Syria or the economy or Benghazi I see unknowns who seem to have memorized their talking points from three-by-five cards. Shining stars? This administration doesn’t even have glowing embers.
-- Barry Farber, Sept. 24 WorldNetDaily column
The American people have been betrayed in two areas that may be seemingly unrelated, but play to the same sentiments I’ve described. They concern our president, Barack Obama, and the creed known as Islam. The character of both have been distorted to compromise Americans’ better judgment, goodwill and compassion. This is not to say that I believe the president is a Muslim; in truth, I believe that Obama is either an atheist or an individual of agnostic leanings.
What I am saying – and why I have chosen to discuss these together – is that the confluence of threats posed by Barack Obama and Islam are the most serious existing threats to the survival of this nation. In very short order, either could exact an extremely grave toll on America, chiefly because Americans’ better judgment, goodwill and compassion have been compromised. Our human proclivity for denial in this area – in admitting to having been taken – presents at least as great a danger as those posed by Obama and Islam themselves.
-- Erik Rush, Sept. 25 WND column
It wouldn’t amaze me one bit if Mr. Obama is using the Syria international debacle as an artful hand-eye trick to keep Americans from not focusing on the domestic train wreck he and his backwards “progressives” have engineered.
-- Ted Nugent, Sept. 25 WND column
I hear you, Mr. President, and I know exactly what it is that I am hearing. I hear the deceit and lies of the Chicago ACORN community disorganizing scam artist from hell, feeding the low-information voters more pap and anti-American propaganda in your feeble and disingenuous attempt to bribe more votes for the declaration of dependency society. Fundamental transformation indeed.
You are so cocksure of the ignorance of your constituency that you dare to brag that the federal government is America’s largest employer. That is nothing to be proud of and in fact contrary to the Founding Fathers’ vision of this experiment in self-government where we the people were supposed to be the ones in charge, not a runaway power-abusing, bloated, fraudulent monster like the slobbering, gluttonous Fedzilla beast of the New Deal and not so Great Society scams.
-- Ted Nugent, Oct. 2 WND column
Just as Hitler posted troops at Normandy to keep the allied forces out, President Obama is now turning away those who wish to pay their respects at the Normandy American Cemetery. More than 9,000 patriots who gave their lives were laid to rest at the D-Day Memorial, and respecting their service and sacrifice is not allowed during the shutdown, thanks to the Barack Obama and Harry Reid.
-- Gina Loudon, Oct. 6 WND column
You heard it here first. The United States is going default on its obligations. The consequent worldwide financial collapse will make 2008 – and even 1929 – look like picnics. And, gentle readers, it is your fault. You, the people of the United States, chose as your “president” a man who openly has a bogus birth certificate on the White House website, who openly detests your Constitution, who had no previous experience before going into politics except as a communist agitator (coyly rebranded “community organizer”) and who – on any view – was and is entirely inadequate to serve in your nation’s highest office.
-- Christopher Monckton, Oct. 8 WND column
When the people are ignored and coerced into submission, and our military heroes are held out to dry and sacrificed to a Muslim enemy by a “Muslim president” and his Republican enablers, it is only a matter of time before the people and the military rise up to remove the shackles that have been placed on them by the government. That time is now. We the people have had enough!
Please join us in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 19. Stay tuned for more details about this nonviolent revolution designed to peacefully remove this political establishment cancer, before it kills our beloved country.
-- Larry Klayman, Oct. 11 WND column
A magician has “patter” – his running commentary while he is doing his tricks.
That’s Obama, running around the country with his teleprompter, talking to partisan groups, telling them what they want to hear, all the while avoiding any meeting with the opposition to try to resolve the political differences.
He threatens, accuses and insults and then declines to talk, but the government closure shows his deviousness.
“Shut down the government,” yes, but do it selectively so that the greatest number of people will be hurt, all the while, leaving the magician in chief to ignore it all, pretending he’s not responsible – it’s those vindictive, selfish Republicans.
To call Barack Obama a “Svengali” is not too far fetched: a person who wants to dominate, manipulate and control in order to get people to do what he wants.
-- Barbara Simpson, Oct. 14 WND column