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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Colin Flaherty's Latest Race-Baiting Fail: Hispanics Are Blacks Now, Apparently
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Colin Flaherty has included dogs and white people in his list of perpetrators of "black mob violence." Now he's added another non-black mammal to the list: Hispanics.

Flaherty writes in an Oct. 1 WorldNetDaily article:

Here is what the local newspapers did not report about the mob of dozens of motorcycle riders who chased, stopped and beat the father of a young Asian family on a Sunday afternoon in New York City: One, the mob was black, says the police report. Two, this is merely the latest of several such examples of racial violence on wheels, witnesses say.

The police report (which Flaherty provides no evidence of) may or may have said black, but the only people he names as having taken part in this"mob" are pretty clearly Hispanic, no matter how much he pretends otherwise.

Flaherty did name one biker suspect, Christopher Cruz, but he didn't pass racial judgment on Cruz for some reason.

Regarding the other named suspect, Flaherty contorts himself to pretend he's not really Hispanic:

Despite initial reports that one biker sustained minor injuries, later it was learned the rapper Jay Meezee is hospitalized and may be paralyzed after the SUV allegedly ran him over.

Meezee’s father is a prominent Boston-area Hispanic evangelical minister. But his son’s appearance and music are racially ambiguous: The lyrics – and his frequent appearances on black radio – are full of N-Bombs and contain stories of prison, drug addiction, violence and life “in the hood.”

So Meezee is no longer a Hispanic because his "appearance and music are racially ambiguous" and -- horrors! -- uses the N-word?

If Flaherty is this desperate to shoehorn this incident into his "black mob violence" race-baiting, this certainly raises the question about how black his other clamed "black mobs" really are.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:51 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 8:52 PM EDT

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