Topic: WorldNetDaily
Craige McMillan rants in a Sept. 27 WorldNetDaily column:
Five Twitter accounts tied to the Obama White House, including two of wife Michelle, have 23,274,272 fake followers. In fact, when inactive accounts are filtered out only about 20 percent of their followers are real.
Think for a moment the amount of time and effort it would take to generate that number of fraudulent Twitter accounts and followers. How many could you generate? Maybe a hundred? Possibly a thousand? But 23 million? Just who is doing this?Or perhaps each Twitter follower was so ignorant and owned by the Democratic agenda that every real follower generated a lone fake follower? You know, like Obama “voters.” Each real voter generates another fake vote. To paraphrase Dan Rather, such an election would be “fake but accurate.”
Not only does McMillan ignore that Twitter accounts tied to Republican politicans have large numbers of "fake" followers -- as the article McMillan links to to make his case against Obama -- it really isn't even much of a scandal. Upstart Business Journal's Alex Dalenberg explains:
Some brands have been accused of purchasing fake Twitter followers to raise their online profiles, but even if the White House was intentionally purchasing fake followers (recall that both the Romney and Obama campaigns were accused of the practice during the the election) what exactly would they be trying to accomplish? Bots don’t vote. They don’t buy products. In at least one case, a corporate study by Coca-Cola found no impact on short-term sales from social media buzz.
Bottom line: fake follower stories are usually fake scandals, even if it confirms your preexisting worldview that the First Lady, Ted Cruz, Lady Gaga, or whoever is a substanceless charlatan. Cruz gets to mount a fake-filibuster of the healthcare bill by virtue of being a U.S. senator. Michelle Obama gets a platform to talk about how kids eat too many cheeseburgers because she’s the First Lady, not because she’s got a big Twitter following.
But McMillan is full frothing paranoid rant mode, so facts don't really matter to him, complete with childish name-calling:
When the Republicans found out AliBama’s minions were using the IRS to suppress the conservative voting message, they should have been dragging vats of tar, bags of feathers and pots of boiling oil to the White House and demanding AliBama’s resignation – or else! And Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi? They should have been locked in the House restrooms with the insurance executives for their corruption in using taxpayer money to buy the one extra vote needed to pass AliBamacare.
No budget – for how many years? But then why should we know how our great-great-grandchildren’s money is being spent by D.C.’s den of thieves?
NSA’s illegal domestic spying? It exists for one reason. AliBama and the rest of the thieves want to know what you are thinking, what you’re writing and what you’re talking about; and with whom. They need this so they can determine how far they can go in their usurpation against the underlying laws that govern the government.
That's the kind of writing that keeps McMillan employed as a WND journalist.