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Sunday, September 8, 2013
WND Columnist Falsely Fearmongers About 'Sex Ed For Kindergarteners'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jerry Newcombe writes in his Sept. 3 WorldNetDaily column:

Children are being robbed today of their chance to be children. They’re being forced by selfish adults to be exposed to things that are not age appropriate for them. Unbelievably, in Chicago they are now starting to mandate that kindergartners go through sex ed classes – 300 minutes of them.

In fact, those kindergartener will be receiving age-appropriate sex education. The Chicago Tribune reports:

Under the new program, kindergartners and first-graders would focus on topics like anatomy, healthy relationships and personal safety, [chief health officer Stephanie] Whyte said. The curriculum for those grades would include "my body," "good touch vs. bad touch" and "living things that reproduce."

But that fact is inconvenient for Newcombe, so his fearmongering continues. He rehashes statement by President Obama endorsing sex education for kindergarteners without mentioning that he said it should be age-appropriate.

But Newcombe is not done ranting:

We have already seen in Massachusetts, after the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2004 by judicial fiat, that children in the public schools could not opt out of indoctrination on homosexuality. Parents were not warned about this, and their children are fair game.

One brave parent, Dave Parker, was disturbed by what he learned was being presented to his child, so he met with the principal to remonstrate. He was told he could not take his child out of the offensive, propagandistic lessons. He wouldn’t leave until the principal agreed at least to notify him in advance. Parker was then arrested and spent a night in jail. In these United States.

The truth about Parker isn't as sinister as Newcombe claims. As we've detailed, Parker's child was given a book about families that allegedly depicted at least two households led by homosexual partners. And Parker wasn't arrested for asserting his parental rights -- he was arrested for trespassing after refusing the leave the school, he spent a night in jail only because he refused to bail himself out.

Newcombe soldiers on:

There is a German family, the Romeikes, who have sought asylum in the U. S., so they can homeschool their children. The Romeikes took them out of public schools in Germany to avoid anti-biblical teaching and false indoctrination on human sexuality. Secular sex-ed classes fail to recognize God’s design for sex and the devastating effects of promiscuity. Parents should decide what’s appropriate for their children; they have to deal with the results of their children’s acts.

Yet the Obama administration is actively seeking to deport the Romeikes back to Germany, where they would face the consequences of violating an anti-homeschool law that was created in 1938 when Hitler was in power.

In fact, the Romeikes could have chosen to send their children to a private or religious school in Germany, but they chose not to. And Germany's tradition of compulory schooling dates back a good 200 years and is not specifically linked to Hitler.

In making that last claim, Newcombe rather dishonestly goes Godwin, as WND writers are prone to do. But pretty much his entire column is dishonest, so it's not surprising.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:39 PM EDT

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