Topic: WorldNetDaily
Mychal Massie's Aug. 26 WorldNetDaily column begins with his usual vomiting up of Obama derangement:
This is intended to be an open letter to you, Barack Obama. I will dispense with the usual salutatory “Dear Mr. blah blah” because to address you as same would mean that I accept you as my president, which I cannot and do not. I know my words will offend those for whom the color of your skin means more than the quality of your job performance, but I place a high premium on the performance of the man who occupies the position you do – a performance that ought to be based on leadership, loyalty to America and adherence to the Constitution of the United States. I view you, in the absence of any of those qualities, as a seat-holder for an American leader who embodies those qualities and who has respect for We the People of this great nation, which you are doing your best to defile.
Since Massie is a depraved liar, let's see what he lies about this time, shall we?
I knew that any person who would viciously fight against saving children who had survived an attempted abortion – arguing de facto, as you did, that these children who were outside the womb and capable of surviving must not be provided care to keep them alive – could not be trusted to act in the best interest of our nation.
Of course, Obama argued no such thing. As we've documented, Obama argued that the proposed law he opposed effectively banned all abortions because it treated pre-viability fetuses the same as post-viability fetuses.
You interjected yourself into the Trayvon Martin situation but have been silent in the aftermath of the vicious murder of Christopher Lane, the 22-year-old East Central University baseball player in southern Oklahoma. The media and district attorney are claiming the murder wasn’t racially motivated, but you know full well had three white teens murdered a black person the assessment would be different.
Massie seems to have overlooked the fact that one of the suspects in Lane's death is white.
President Eisenhower sent National Guard to insure Arkansas schools were integrated. You sat silent and allowed your Justice Department to refuse to prosecute New Black Panther members for intimidating white voters in Philadelphia.
In fact, the polling place the New Black Panthers stood outside of was located in a heavily black neighborhood, and nobody -- white or otherwise -- has ever come forward to say they were intimidated.
Having cranked even more lies, it was time for Massie to cap things off with more Obama derangement:
You have had the opportunity to lead America away from the aberrant behavior and animus by many blacks as well as, for all intents and purposes, to retire racial discord to the ash heaps of American history. Instead, you have worked to fertilize and promote racial animus and hostility toward whites by blacks.
A leader wouldn’t do that. Not even the past presidents from your own party – a party whose history is steeped in racial prejudice – have contributed to racial discord as you have. It would be nice if I could wish you well, but, as it is, I can only wish you were gone.
A good columnist wouldn't lie so casually and blatantly to his readers. Massie is not a good columnist.