Topic: NewsBusters
Randy Hall feels Kevin Drum's pain. He writes in an Aug. 20 NewsBusters post:
As conservatives, we know what happens every time we criticize the policies of the liberal occupant of the White House: We're instantly branded as “racist” and “intolerant” while our views are quickly and summarily dismissed.
However, Kevin Drum, a political blogger for the liberal Mother Jones website, has received similar treatment as he learned that no matter which side of an issue he supports, his mailbox on the Twitter social media website quickly fills up with emails from people taking the opposite view.Drum described the situation by discussing reactions to policies of the National Security Agency from the “emo-progs” -- emotional progressives -- or the O-bots, people who believe that President Barack Obama can do no wrong.
“Conversely,” he noted, “if you criticize the NSA’s surveillance programs, your Twitter feed quickly fills up with equally hysterical proclamations from the O-bots that you hate Obama, you’ve always hated Obama, and you’re probably a racist swine who’s been waiting ever since 2009 for a chance to take down the nation’s first black president.”
Somebody is being criticized for showing insufficient fealty to a political agenda? Where have we seen taht before?
Oh, yeah -- at NewsBusters.
We call it Heathering, and NewsBusters loves to engage in it.Just the other day, in fact, NewsBusters executive editor Matthew Sheffield "defending" conservative Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin as "not enough of a team player" for the conservative movement.
Gotta love how a major Heathering website is pointing and laughing at the Heathering of others.