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Thursday, August 15, 2013
Quid Pro Quo? MRC Promotes Mark Levin's Book
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center is promoting the heck out of Mark Levin's new book "The Liberty Amendments":

  • CNS' Terry Jeffrey conducted an extensive, fawning interview with Levin.
  • Jeffrey also wrote an article about how Levin's book "skyrocketed to No. 1 on the bestseller list for books today, the first day it was available for sale."
  • MRC chief Brent Bozell wrote a fawning column on Levin and his book: "Levin is a Constitutional scholar — and he shines." Bozell adds, "Levin is a consequential man, and this is a consequential book."
  • NewsBusters promoted David Limbaugh's column on Levin's book -- fawning, of course -- to its main blog feed.

What the MRC doesn't mention is that for the past several months, it has been paying an undisclosed amount of money to promote the MRC's anti-media initiatives on his radio show.

Is all this promotion for Levin's book a quid pro quo for Levin's promotion of the MRC on the radio? Don't expect the MRC to answer that question.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:28 PM EDT

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