Topic: Media Research Center
Apparently, in the eyes of the Media Research Center, it's "liberal media bias" to portray a historic event involving gays as historic. In April, for instance, the MRC's Matt Hadro complained that CNN portrayed Jason Collins' coming out as the first openly gay professional basketball player as a historic event.
That same attitude prevails in a June 26 MRC item by Kyle Drennen:
During live coverage of the Supreme Court's gay marriage rulings on Wednesday, NBC legal analyst Lisa Bloom could barely contain her enthusiasm at the decisions overturning the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8: "There is no question that this is a sweeping historic decision for gay rights....I think this is only the beginning, by the way. This is the decision today, but this is going to engender many more cases to come to further protect gay rights."
Drennen offers no evidence that these Supreme Court decisions are not historic -- he's simply annoyed they were described as such.
Drennen has apparently also decided he can read minds. In a June 26 NewsBusters post under the headline "NBC Reporter Gushes: Gay Marriage Rulings 'Very Personally Satisfying' for Obama," Drennen writes that NBC correspondent Peter Alexander touted how the decisions were "very personally satisfying for the President, who it was only about a year ago during the course of the campaign...came out and said that he has had this personal evolution on the topic..."
Drennen offers no evidence that Alexander's reporting of the White House's approval of the Supreme Court decisions equates to him "gushing" over it.