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Thursday, June 6, 2013
CNS Can't Stop Portraying Money Spent on LGBT Issues as Wasteful
Topic:'s obsession with portraying federal money spent on LGBT issues as wasteful continues in in a June 5 article by Elizabeth Harrington:

President Barack Obama's 2009 economic stimulus law financed a $431,363 grant in Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco-based congressional district to study the “psychological distress” of homosexual fathers. The study took three years to publish its results and created no jobs. 

The study concluded that homosexual men likely reduce their chances of contracting HIV after becoming fathers because they have less time for sex.

Harrington doesn't explain whether job creation was promised from this grant; if not, the fact that it "created no jobs" is irrelevant.

By our count, this is the seventh CNS article published since March portraying federal money spent on LGBT issues as wasteful.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:38 AM EDT

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