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Thursday, March 14, 2013
Mychal Massie Being Mychal Massie
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In recent years, many have voiced concern to me pursuant to Obama instigating a race war between blacks and whites. I argue, we are already in a race war and have been since every race-based divisive piece of legislation and every segregative word, phrase and assignation became the parlance of the day.

The idea of blacks not having a level playing field and blacks needing special dispensation from the caring white liberals has transmogrified into an intellectual pursuit of understanding for whites suffering from guilt and the liberal white illuminati who treat same as their exclusive realm of intellectual empathy.


Nothing sickens me to my stomach more than the unwitting and/or pompous liberal illuminati making references to “African-American, the black community, the black church, the black educational system,” or any other of countless race-based assignations covertly designed to divide, separate, alienate and develop the idea that blacks are aboriginal Americans.

People, whites specifically, take no thought to the fact that every time they speak using race-based assignations they contribute to the dissolution of the American fabric they want to believe they are making stronger. Segregative language does just that – it segregates.

-- Mychal Massie, March 11 WorldNetDaily column

(Does Massie think likening Harry Reid to Bull Connor is "segretative language"? How about declaring that he wants Obama to die like Osama bin Laden?)

Posted by Terry K. at 2:10 PM EDT

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