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Monday, March 11, 2013
NewsBusters Reads CNN's Mind
Topic: NewsBusters

In a March 11 NewsBusters post, Ken Shepherd claims that CNN "laments" that a judge overturned a New York City law banning soft drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces.

How does Shepherd know the feelings being imparted by a CNN "breaking news" email? He doesn't, of course -- he's merely running the email through his own filter of right-wing bias. But he claimed that "rather than couch the stay on the new regulation as a victory of individual liberty, the editors described the ruling as 'a setback for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has backed several laws aimed at improving the health of New Yorkers.'"

Of course, it's an unambiguous fact that the law being overturned is a setback for Bloomberg, and stating so does not impart bias. Declaring the overturning "a victory of individual liberty," as Shepherd demands CNN do, on the other hand, is very much a biased statement.

In short: Shepherd wants us to believe that 1) he can read the mind of a writer of breaking-news emails, and 2) that Stephen Colbert's maxim that the reality has a liberal bias is correct yet again.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:54 PM EDT

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