Topic: NewsBusters
Ken Shepherd claims in a Feb. 12 NewsBusters post that Ben Carson has been criticized by "the media" because he " dared to 'disrespect' the president by offering policy proposals that deviated from the government-centered ones of Mr. Obama's liking."
Well, no -- he has been criticized for using the National Prayer Breakfast -- which is supposed to be a nonpartisan event -- to issue a political attack on Obama's policies.
And you don't have to be a non-cionservative to feel this way. Conservative columnist Cal Thomas has written that Carson should apologize to Obama:
I am no fan of the president's policies, but the National Prayer Breakfast is billed as one of the few nonpolitical events in a very political city. Each year, the co-chairs, one Democrat and one Republican from either the House or Senate, put aside their political differences, as they do in weekly gatherings, to pray for the nation's leaders.
His remarks were inappropriate for the occasion. It would have been just as inappropriate had he praised the president's policies. The president had a right to expect a different message about another Kingdom.
NewsBusters publishes Thomas' column. What are the odds it'll publish this one?
If it doesn't, it wouldn't be the first time: NewsBusters and its Media Research Center stayed silent about Thomas' slur of Rachel Maddow, and NewsBusters declined to publish the column in which Thomas apologized.