Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax columnist Doug Wead spent a good chunk of the 2012 presidential election process being a cheerleader for Ron Paul. Now that Paul has retired from Congress, it's no surprise that Wead has turned his attention to Paul's son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.
And that's exactly what Wead does in his Feb. 7 column praising Rand Paul's speech at the Heritage Foundation, where he "outlin[ed] before the stuffy G.K. Chesterton conservatives in the audience a new foreign policy for the Republican Party, one that offers a better fit for new realities."
Wead went on to proclaim himself (and PUal) a member of the "liberty movement," whatever that means, and concludes with a fawning flourish: "We can only hope that our nation will come out of its stupor and find the wisdom in Rand Paul’s clarion call."