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Saturday, January 5, 2013
WND Columnists Continue to Lie About 'Natural Born Citizen' Requirements
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Larry Klayman keeps up his toxic blend of Obama derangement and legal falsehoods in his Jan. 1 WorldNetDaily column:

Barack Hussein Obama is “eligible” for only one thing: to deceive the American people and the world community into believing he is a legitimate president of the United States. In practice, that is according to all of the judges who thus far have ruled in lawsuits concerning his lack of legal status under the U.S. Constitution as a “natural born citizen.”

As you know, to qualify for the office of president, the law, plain and simple, requires that a person be born in the United States or one of its territories, to two American citizen parents.

As we've pointed out, even WND has admitted that there is no legal definition of "natural born citizen" in the Constitution or any other federal law, so Klayman is simply lying when he says "the law" backs his preferred definition.

In his Jan. 2 WND column, Craige McMillan writes an open letter to Chief Justice John Roberts begging him not to swear in Obama over the same issue:

ow that Mr. Obama has been re-elected and is preparing to serve a second term of office, there can be no doubt regarding his qualifications. This is because by Mr. Obama’s own admission, his father was of Kenyan nationality and perhaps holding British citizenship as well.

In addition to the nationality of Mr. Obama Sr. listed on Barack Obama’s birth certificate, we know that Obama Sr. was not an American citizen because of correspondence surrounding his stay in this country.

Because Obama Sr. lacked American citizenship, Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen, as required by our Constitution. He is not natural born, and can never be natural born, because of his father. Therefore, Barack Obama is not qualified to be president and never will be qualified. This would still be true, even if he received every vote cast.


Your own oath of office, sworn before God and the American people, requires you to uphold the Constitution. (If not you, then who?) If you now administer the oath of office for the presidency to a man who by his own admission fails to meet the natural born citizen requirement imposed by that Constitution, you have violated your own oath of office and are rightly subject to impeachment by any House of Representatives, at any time, now or in the future.

McMillan fails to mention that no court has seen fit to affirm his definition of "natural born citizen" as an unassailable legal standard, even after years of birther lawsuits. Which makes McMillan a liar as well.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:48 AM EST

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