Topic: WorldNetDaily
Vox Day is pulling the plug on his WorldNetDaily column, and he uses his final column to declare it a failure:
Given that my primary goal in writing this column was to convince the American people to aggressively defend their God-given, Constitution-guaranteed liberties, I have to conclude that the most honest way to describe it is 11 years of unmitigated failure. I’m not ashamed of that, nor do I consider the effort wasted. But, at the end of the day, American freedom has been yielded.
Day's definition of "freedom" is notably lacking when it involves women. He doesn't like that women can vote, considers women's rights "a disease that should be eradicated," and has warned men not to marry "career" women because they have a bad habit of having their own thoughts. He has also endorsed the lament that marriage no longer means "an expectation of regular sex" for men.
Day also embraces fringe conspiracy theories, is unusually concerned about the future of the white race, and has a penchant for Nazi references.
Day continues:
Let me be clear and assure everyone that I have joined neither the IMF nor a revolutionary militia. I have simply reached a point in my life where I wish to focus my writing on novels such as “A Throne of Bones” rather than political commentary. And I am deeply appreciative of Joseph and Elizabeth Farah, WND and the commentary editors for permitting me to write so freely on these pages for so long.
As the title suggests, Day's book is an apparent attempt to ride the "Game of Thrones" bandwagon.
And Day manages to end his column without telling his readers who he really is: Theodore Beale, son of former WND financial backer (and current convicted felon) Robert Beale.