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Thursday, December 13, 2012
NewsBusters Bummed That Mocking Transgenders Is No Longer Acceptable
Topic: NewsBusters

Geoffrey Dickens laments in a Dec. 12 NewsBusters post:

Two veteran DC area sports talk radio hosts, ESPN980's Andy Pollin and Steve Czaban, were suspended, on Tuesday, for making fun of Gabrielle Ludwig, a 6-6, 50-year-old former male college basketball player, who came back to play the woman's game.

Dickens defended the suspended hosts by claiming they were merely using "the kind of lockerroom jocularity typical of sportstalk radio. Apparently that mockery drew the ire of LGBT activists."

So the Media Research Center's anti-gay agenda includes pro-mockery.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:32 PM EST

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