Topic: WorldNetDaily
In a Nov. 29 WorldNetDaily column fearmongering about the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, which he falsely claims "requires member states unable to disarm their populaces to be placed under the jurisdiction of the U.N. Office of Disarmament Affairs," Joseph Farah goes on a wild conspiracy ride in which he argues that President Obama "wants to foment armed rebellion" in order to "provide him cover to take sweeping and repressive actions that effectively subvert the Constitution":
For instance, while I personally recommend all law-abiding Americans purchase guns and learn how to use them for their own safety, the security of their communities and the liberty of the nation, I don’t believe for a minute that’s why Obama is stimulating firearm sales.
Neither do I think he believes he can ban guns or confiscate them from Americans who already own them – even with the help of the U.N.
I have always believed Obama’s real goal – the objective he has in common with all true leftists and socialists – is to create chaos. As a former leftist, I understand the paradigm. It’s classic Cloward-Pivens strategy. Obama seeks “to heighten the contradictions of capitalism,” as they say. He does a lot of crazy things to further that objective – to prove, if you will, that America is incapable of self-government, that smart people like him and Michelle are needed to guide our every move.
How else does one explain “Fast and Furious,” an operation conceived and announced in his White House to buy guns in the U.S. and sell them to Mexican drug cartels so they could be used to kill innocent Mexican and U.S. citizens and even law-enforcement personnel?
That was so clearly an operation designed with one thing in mind – to provide cover for the banning of gun sales. If Obama could conceive of such an illegal and stealthy plot, why wouldn’t he also stealthily take actions to increase the number of guns in the hands of Americans to make the case that there are just too many guns in the hands of Americans?
Maybe he wants to create civil strife. Maybe he wants to foment armed rebellion. Maybe he realizes that would provide him cover to take sweeping and repressive actions that effectively subvert the Constitution.
I don’t know.
All I know is that it’s a good time to buy firearms and ammunition. It’s one of the best investments you can make in personal security and liberty – at least while it lasts.
Farah has become increasingly unhinged since Obama won re-election, which had the effect of proving the worthlessness of Farah's mission over the past four years of turning WND into an anti-Obama super PAC, which it pursued with such obsessive zeal and disregard for the fact that nobody believes WND anymore.