Topic: WorldNetDaily
My spirits were temporarily lifted when, last week, the Washington, D.C.-based Daily Caller website reported “more than 675,000 digital signatures appeared on 69 separate secession petitions covering all 50 states, according to … requests lodged with the White House’s ‘We the People’ online petition system” (“White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation,” David Martosko,, Nov. 14).
Moreover, in various parts of the country, citizens infuriated for various reasons by the re-election of Barack Obama took their American flags from their porches or roofs and turned them upside down – a traditionally emphatic sign of “distress” (“Upside Down Flag Protests Over Election Sparking Controversy,” John Shumway,, Nov. 8).
-- Nat Hentoff, Nov. 20 WorldNetDaily column
Many readers have kindly written to say they have sent the Zullo, Monckton and Delzell affidavits about the forged Obama birth certificate to their elected representatives with a request that they should object to Mr Obama’s election on the ground that he has cast doubt upon his own constitutional eligibility by endorsing a forged “birth certificate” and posting it at the White House website. So far, not one member of Congress has agreed even to ask questions about the mounting evidence of forgery and fraud, let alone to object in writing. You have elected 535 inveterate invertebrates.
-- Christopher Monckton, Nov. 20 WND column
It is a mystery to me, and one that will never be solved to my satisfaction, how it is that the majority of Americans can see what is happening in Greece and still continue to vote for left-wing ideologues like Barack Obama, who subscribe to the belief that the money the government prints is every bit as good as the money people earn. The closest I have come to generating a theory is that most people fail to see what is happening in Greece because they’re too busy watching really dumb shows on TV, and couldn’t find Greece on a map even if you printed “Athens” in really big letters.
-- Burt Prelutsky, Nov. 20 WND column
Obama has had four years “leading us down the primrose path” to socialism. Since the GOP still has control of the House, why is it so ready to cave – two months before the next inauguration?
You don’t think it has anything to do with immigration, do you?
You don’t think the estimates that 70 percent of Hispanics voted for Obama has the GOP shaking in their boots, do you?
You don’t think that they are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater, do you?
Si, si senor. Por supuesto. Cada dia.
They have no shame.
-- Barbara Simpson, Nov. 25 WND column
Barack Obama is not our problem as such – albeit, he is a malignant parasite who openly schemes to suck the lifeblood from America in favor of government dependency and a socialist State.
We are the problem if we continue to support the party and party hierarchy who have made this possible. Republicans have made this possible by abandoning the core principles upon which America was founded. They have abandoned truth for a lie, and our children will pay for it.
-- Mychal Massie, Nov. 26 WND column
Even if a faux conservative in the mold of George W. Bush is offered up by the GOP in 2016 (former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush springs to mind for some unfathomable reason), this will be as potentially harmful as was George W. himself. This is likely to happen, too; after four more years of the communist usurper, voters are going to be very desperate.
-- Erik Rush, Nov. 28 WND column
Yes, Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, lost the election. That is inarguably a bummer, especially since the winner is Barack Obama, whose second term could actually sink the republic.
-- Jack Cashill, Nov. 28 WND column
Deferring to our illegitimate President Barack Hussein Obama, Netanyahu and company have gone along with ineffective and worthless economic sanctions against Iran and held back on eliminating Iran’s nuclear program and other terrorist activities by force. Now, Iran is more powerful and potentially immune from Israeli attack, unless Israel decides to use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy the Islamic state’s atomic and other military facilities. Were this tragic reality simply a rerun of an old Laurel and Hardy movie, one could simply say “a fine mess you’ve gotten us into, Mr. Obama.”
-- Larry Klayman, Nov. 30 WND column
Indeed, Obamacare renders all constitutional limits on federal powers completely meaningless. “And there’s the rub,” as Shakespeare would say. Obamacare demonstrates to all America the tyrannical, fascist power President Obama and the Democratic Socialist Party is willing to wield like a cudgel to smash the God-given, unalienable rights of the people. By the Supreme Court unconstitutionally acquiescing to Obamacare, all Americans are shackled “under the despotism of an oligarchy,” as Jefferson wrote in an 1820 letter to William Jarvis.
-- Ellis Washington, Nov. 30 WND column