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Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Doug Wead's Failed 'Prophecy'
Topic: Newsmax

Doug Wead has spent much of the 2012 campaign season being Newsmax's biggest Ron Paul fan. He eventually transferred that enthusiasm to Mitt Romney, which resulted in Wead's Nov. 5 column, in which he suggested that Romney was the fulfillment of a Mormon prophecy.

After highlighting a statement by Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith -- “The time will come when the Constitution and government will hang by a brittle thread and will be ready to fall into other hands but this people, the latter-day saints will step forth and save it" -- Wead declared that "If history is any indicator Mitt Romney will win Tuesday's election." He continued:

Only America's guilt over racism and it infatuation with Barack Obama's personality can save the incumbent.

The grand spectacle of inaugurating a Mormon president in 2013 after inaugurating an African-American in 2009 would make this another seminal moment in our history. The long suffering and persecution of a gracious, hardworking and honorable people would finally come to an end.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir would sing at the inauguration and there would be chills up our spines and tears in our eyes. The Mormon journey would finally be over. All of America would now be their home. It would be another true healing.

But whether Mitt Romney can fulfill the prophet's words and save us is another question altogether. Can Romney, the wounded animal, still carrying his grudges, deserved as they may be, now heal the land? Can the man who will change his opinion on any issue to add a few numbers to his popularity have the strength of character to lead us?

And finally, what exactly did Joseph Smith's prophecy mean? He didn't say that the Constitution would be restored just that it would be "saved" and in another paragraph, that it would be "born away" by its savior.

If the historic trend continues and Mitt Romney wins, as I suspect, where will Mitt Romney decide to take it?

Well, that prophecy didn't quite hold up as well as Wead hoped, did it?

Posted by Terry K. at 4:20 AM EST

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