Topic: WorldNetDaily
You know that Mychal Massie is a depraved liar and a walking case of Obama Derangement Syndrome. And he delivers more hate in an Election Day column at WorldNetDaily.
Massie ironically begins by noting "a uniformity of resentment and a consolidation of bitterness/anger that embody blacks" -- as if resentment and anger haven't been a staple of Massie's anti-Obama bile. He then calls the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP "godless servants of the devil" for criticizing Billy Graham's implicit endorsement of Mitt Romney. That set off Massie on yet another anti-Obama tirade:
If those NAACP leaders who also claim to be ministers actually spent time reading and studying the Bible, they would know that a socialistic view of appropriation (read: extortion by guilt and racial intimidation) exampled by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton has no biblical basis. They would also know that at the top of God’s agenda is salvation through Jesus Christ and the Great Commission to go forth preaching and teaching and leading people to be disciples of Christ.
William J. Barber, president of the state NAACP, who claims to be a minister, accused Franklin Graham of “cherry-picking easy parts of Christianity.”
First of all, Mitt Romney is not a Christian; he’s a Mormon – and yes, there is a difference. Secondly, if the Obamas were Christians, we would see the witness of the Spirit of God in the way he and his wife comport themselves. It’s not that we don’t know them by their fruit, because we do – their fruit is the fruit of Satan.
Since Massie is a black Obama-hater, his column (as one of several black-right-wingers writing at WND) gives WND cover to race-bait through the work of Colin Flaherty and his white-nationalist-friendly rants about "black mob violence."
Perhaps Massie should examine what his work gives cover to before he slings hysterical insults at others for holding different opinions than he does.