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Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Ronald Kessler's Last-Minute Romney-Fluffing
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax's Ronald Kessler wraps up his season of Romney-fluffing with a pair of articles designed to boost Mitt Romney and attack President Obama.

On Nov. 2, he featured Richard Grenell -- whom he identifies only as "the former U.S. spokesman at the United Nations," -- bashing Obama over Libya and asserting that "Obama should have immediately denounced the failure of Libya and Egypt to protect the American embassies there." Kessler failed to mention that Grenell is an adviser to Romney and was his foreign-policy spokesman until forced out of that position by conservatives (like the Media Research Center's Dan Gainor) who didn't like the fact that Grenell is gay.

Today, Kessler once again touted the prospect of a landslide win for Romney, declaring that "President Obama’s admonition to supporters booing the mention of Mitt Romney’s name that 'voting is the best revenge' spotlights his character and his motivation" and that it's "the same nasty attitude of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., his longtime preacher, sounding board, and mentor.

Kessler also declares "Obama is an elitist with a chip on his shoulder." Pretty funny coming from a guy who pals around with Donald Trump.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 PM EST

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